Sunday, November 14, 2010

026 ~ Alone


Sometimes I find myself feeling all alone, like there is no one else in this whole wide world who gets me; who understands who I am, what I want, what I need, why I do what I do, or say what I say.  Ever feel that way?

I love Bluebonnets almost as much as I love yellow roses.  This one is especially enchanting surrounded by a rare spring snowfall.  It appears to be all alone.  In reality it is surrounded by hundreds of other bluebonnets also popping through the snow.  It just seems alone.  I know that's the same for me - I'm not really all alone.  :)

Today we woke up late but got to the meeting on time anyway.  Today we got two invitations to lunch after the meeting.  Today the muffler fell off my van.  Today we had our first snowfall ~ but it didn't stick (ground was too wet from all the rain)... north of here about 30 minutes or so they got several inches (from 3 to 12) all across the northern part of the state... very wet, heavy snow!  Today lunch was wonderful... we enjoyed the meal and the company, even if we were the mild-tempered but very tardy sisters. lol  The sun even made a brief appearance shortly after dessert. 

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