Saturday, November 20, 2010

032 ~ Heavenly

Heavenly Moon

I love this snapshot of the moon so perfectly framed in the bare branches of this tree.
This was a totally random shot taken in an attempt to capture the iridescent ring around the moon last night.  The colors didn't come out as well as we would have liked but it's still pretty.

Gazing up at the moon I often think of my Heavenly Father and all of his many creations.  How thankful I am for His many gifts each day, and each night.  Tonight especially I pray to my Heavenly Father to give whatever it is that my very dear sister Carolyn is in need of to get her through the night and into the day tomorrow until we can manage to visit her.  She is recovering from surgery, with complications now, and suffering from a terminal lung disease now compromised by all the stress of this surgery and it's complications.

Jehovah God cares for His People so lovingly and so tenderly, I find it hard to comprehend how some people can think He does not exist or does not care about us.  One has only to learn what it is that God wants them to do with their lives in order to see all that He does for them and gives to them each and every moment they are alive.  My friend Carolyn is certainly one that Jehovah God shall not forget and shall reward her for her love and faithfulness.

Rev. 21:4

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