Sunday, November 7, 2010

019 ~ Odd

This is an older favorite of mine.  It was taken by a friend in Texas after I had moved from Texas to Wisconsin. It's not often that it snows in most of Texas... the panhandle maybe can be counted on to get snow every year, but it's fairly rare in the rest of the state.  This is actually a springtime picture, making it all the more rare.  The bluebonnets were in full bloom, the trees full of leaves, winter was almost forgotten.  Then an unusual storm hit and dropped temps below freezing overnight.  Early the next morning this is what they woke up to!  It doesn't seem possible for BLUEBONNETS and SNOW to share the same field!  It probably won't happen again in a hundred years!  I am so glad to have this picture - otherwise no one would believe me when I told them this story.  LOL

Today was an odd day.  I did manage to get to the hall for the meeting today - but held off going in.  I thought I'd listen to the talk on the car radio and then go in for the Watchtower study.  Something happened to switch the order and the Watchtower came first.  I could hear lots of coughing and sneezing in the audience so I'm glad I stayed in the car.  My immune system just isn't quite back to normal from all my illness in October.  I was going to go in and just sit in the lobby for the talk but then my sister came out, with her daughter, and saying something about my niece not feeling well (headache, sore throat, etc) and they both got in the car.  After a brief minute my sister says she's going back inside and my niece can just stay in the car with me and lay down.  She closed the door and was gone before I could say anything.  So I stayed in the car for the talk too.  I'm pretty sure my niece isn't (wasn't) too sick.  She was climbing all over the back of the van and trying to find ways to play.  It was a really super talk on the 3rd & 4th chapters of Hebrews - so I was not letting this little girl distract me!  I did make it clear to her she was making some very bad choices.

Right after the meeting we had to get home so I could take one of my daughters to the ER.  She ended up with more tests, more meds, and more admonishments to see a cardiologist or some sort of specialist about some of her recurring problems.  Two hours later I'm home and thoroughly exhausted!  The rest of the day was an odd mix of sleep and movies... and I still feel worn out.  While I do feel better than most of the last month I still don't feel well - if that makes any sense. :-/

Odd day gets an odd pic. ;-)

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