Thursday, November 4, 2010

016 ~ Stormy Skies

After a day of a little bit of everything - rain, sleet, hail, snow - we caught a glimpse of sun here and there in the late afternoon.

This pic was taken around 3:30 in the afternoon.  Surrounded by stormy clouds threatening to do something I spotted this interesting formation. (near center of pic, dropping down from under the dark cloud)

The majority of my day was spent dealing with the increase in government rules & regulations related to eligibility for assistance.  It seems this year there are ten times more changes, all meaning more work for everyone.  I have to have more documentation for everything (income and expenses) as the former proofs are no longer allowed.  And the people reviewing such applications have to have more training to understand these changes as well as gain the knowledge of where to tell potential clients to find the needed documentation... and if they don't get it right the first time, repeat reviews become even more time consuming and frustrating.

I will be so much happier when I can finally put all this behind me and no longer need any sort of assistance to pay basic living expenses!  My October commissions were more than double the previous month.  And if November goes as planned I will redouble that amount.  Come January I totally expect commissions near $800...... and by May 2011 I should be well over double that!  SSA says I can make $1200/mo before losing all of my SSI payment.  It's not going to be easy but working with Melaleuca is definitely something I can do even with all my disabilities!

Right now, I don't think even my kids believe I will be able to make enough money to not need help from someone. :(  Can't blame them.  It's been a long, hard road since getting their abusive dad out of the house 12 years ago.  It's been hard coming to terms with everything I've lost because of the injuries he left me with that year.  And it's still hard fighting back the pain, the flashbacks, the fear, the anxiety when we must still deal with him, and all the many problems we face now that I strongly feel we would not have if it weren't for everything he did to us!

It's been a stormy life... but better days are coming... and they aren't too far in the future... just you watch!

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