Saturday, November 6, 2010

018 ~ Tick Tock Time

Time is a funny thing. Most days we feel we don't have enough of it. Yet there is not a single day that we can get anymore of it than what we started with, what everyone else has, and what it's always going to be.

In the pic today is the one-day-old O'Riley MacYard Dunderson... at this stage in his life he's so vulnerable, so dependent on others to keep him alive, and so small when compared to the white tiger mini beanie baby right next to him.  Would you believe 17 months later he's the cat in yesterday's pic?

Time.  We can't start it.  We can't stop it.  We can't change it.  It waits for no one.  But we sure do funny things with it.  Take for example "Daylight Savings Time" - now I could do the research to make sure of all my facts but all that really matters at this point is knowing whether it's time to fall back or time to spring forward and what weekend it is that we are doing this!  

Tonight, we fall back, thus gaining an hour (for sleep if you're like me, or for getting more done if you're like I used to be) overnight.  I'm sure it will help a lot - instead of getting dark at 5:30 it will now get dark at 4:30 and instead of getting light at 7:30 it will get light at 6:30.  The earlier light will help out those school kids waiting for the bus at 6:30-7:00 in the morning... and those parents worried about leaving the kids alone at the bus stops in the dark.  But in a few more weeks, before the days begin to get longer again, we'll be right back at being in the dark at 7:30 still.  Having it get darker sooner doesn't seem to have any real advantage.  My schedule doesn't change.  Any energy saved by having it lighter an hour sooner is spent because of it also being darker an hour sooner.  So where's the supposed energy savings?  The real savings and benefit would only be seen if that extra hour actually meant an extra hour of daylight.... if we got 10 hours of daylight tomorrow instead of just nine like we had today!

Imagine what we could do if we could "pocket" or "save up" an hour of time to use another day whenever we felt we needed it!!!  Now THAT would be a real Daylight Savings!

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