Monday, November 29, 2010

041 ~ Achievements

Before I get to the pics let me explain...

This month has certainly not gone as I would have expected, nor as I planned.
It has prompted me to do some serious thinking on EVERYTHING!

Pretty much all my life I have taken care of others in one way or another.  Caring for others is something that comes to me no matter what I do to stop it or change it.  After so many years it has been my conclusion that I will always care for others, one way or another.  Therefore, I should work at developing myself and my resources in such a way as to provide that care in a way that fully feels right to me.  Doesn't that make sense?

That is what I'm working at as I grow my Melaleuca "business" and create a steady, reliable source of income that will eventually allow me to break away from being dependent upon government funds for sustenance (which is a good thing)!

To that effort:

 Melaleuca Marketing Executive II
earned June 30, 2010

Melaleuca "Circle of Influence Award"
earned October 31, 2010

Melaleuca Marketing Executive III
earned October 31, 2010

Melaleuca Marketing Executive III
earned October 31, 2010

Again, the same camera settings were used but somehow the results were different.  The middle two pics are the truest colors.  All three awards are in the same type of frames.

Sometime in the next few days I will be getting them up on the wall where I can see them daily as reminders of my goals.  Each month I set goals and most months I miss the mark! :(  But I am not giving up!!!  I need this in so many ways it hurts to not meet my goals on time.  

However, after listening to a few different, successful people speak about goals and dreams I've decided to work on a few adjustments for this next month.  I do still want to find at least four families wanting or needing what Melaleuca has to offer.  But I'm going to work on my perspective.  What emotion do I come across with when I'm talking to people about this?  I do need this so badly but I don't want to sound desperate or anything.  I do, absolutely, believe in this company and it's products!  So far, out of all that we've tried, there is nothing, absolutely nothing we haven't liked!  But if there was I know, without a doubt, we could return it (even empty) and get our money back!  Try that with something you buy at Wal-Mart! 

Some people don't like that they "have to" buy a minimum amount each month.  Maybe those people don't keep close tabs on their expenses; but when I was asked how much I spent each month, on average, for household products such as laundry detergent, cleansers, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, etc. I knew right away without thinking... $150, sometimes more.  That minimum needed for Melaleuca was less than half what we usually spent every month!  Most people just don't realize this!

Most people don't think about it.  They just buy these things whenever they need them.  Melaleuca actually helps you to get better organized in your spending; to plan it better so you don't run out of any Melaleuca products before your next order gets delivered to your door.  But I'm getting sidetracked...

The whole BIG PICTURE thing here is this:
they just don't know it yet.

It will save money!
It will save time!
It will be safer!
It will be better!
Now, who wouldn't want that?

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