Saturday, December 25, 2010

058 ~ WHY TRY?

Thursday - Dec 16th - 

Yes! I have still more pics from around town of all the snow
from our weekend blizzard!!!

6am I'm up and running!  
TODAY should work out to actually work my business!  
There's issues with the girls - Becca's not feeling well - breakfast isn't going well - Jessi's running late for her morning ministry.  There's laundry to get moving; dishes to be washed and put away.  I need to print off some things before getting started with my phone calls.  There are countless calls coming in - none work related - but all needing something right away!  

Finally I get a little time - and all I get are message machines! :(  
Today is the last day for $1 enrollments... unless... 
if you got in 2 enrollments already you can get 2 more $1 enrollment kits for the rest of the month; OR if you got in 4 enrollments already you can continue with unlimited enrollments all month!  Must be done by midnight Mountain time!  
90 minutes to go - and I got nothing - no one - nada - zip - zilch!  :(  Grrrr

Times like this I feel like "WHY TRY?!"  
You know - I'm fighting high odds every single day!  My mom, my brothers, my dad, my stepmom, my stepsibs, nieces, nephews, ... let's just say most all of my family thinks this is just "another one of those scams that take your money and leave you with nothing but a bunch of products nobody wants."  
They don't expect me to make anything of this - 
just like a dozen other "home-based businesses" I've done in the past.  
But, my sister wants to try it; 
and I have 2 daughters who are willing to give it go.... 
but I have to be able to see more success 
if I'm going to be of any help to them!  
Most of the friends I've asked to consider
 this business or these products 
have backed away not wanting to even take a close look at it.  
They have no idea what they are missing!!! 
And I'm not giving up, or giving in!!!

1 comment:

  1. I would do it, Andee. But I just don't have that kind of money to put into it EVERY month. :(
