Saturday, December 4, 2010

045 ~ First Snow

Friday, December 3, 2010
(catching up...)

First Snow 2010-11

Began a little after 8pm Friday

Continued thru the night

started out light...

but had lots of periods of heavy snow

covering everything before too long

giving us about 8" to play in Saturday

Lake Tomah is now frozen over w/8" of snow on it

About midday Saturday the clouds returned,
the sun tried to keep shining,
but more snow came.

The first snow is always something!
Many people forget what it's like to drive in it!
(which accounts for the many accidents
that happened Friday night and Saturday)
Most years it comes on gradually...
we'll get a dusting...
then a few days later, an inch or so...
a few days to a week later, maybe 3 inches...
and somewhere close to a month of 
gradually increasing snowfalls,
we'll get a good storm that will 
leave us with over 6 inches
to as much as a foot of snow!

This year, we got dusted a few days ago,
and then slammed hard Friday and Saturday!

I know, this is Friday's blog - so we'll stick to Friday
as much as possible.
Everyone must head to the store 
just before the storm
to get those things we always need
during a storm.
When I'm there I tell myself to be sure
to plan better in the future so
I don't have to go out like this!
Then another storm approaches and
I find myself
once again
heading to the store
for those "gotta have"
last-minute things!!!

The first snow was due near 6pm,
then 7pm,
then 8pm,
then 9!!!
It's so frustrating when these storms don't do
what the weathermen say they're going to do!

I had one of my daughter's coming quite a distance
to visit us...
and she had to cut short her visit
so she could get ahead of storm
on her way back home. :(
Another daughter was doing OPENING NIGHT for
her latest play at school; 
"Twelfth Night"
I hope they had a great Opening Night!

And to finish out the night...
something (we're not sure what yet)
caused a power outage in our neighborhood
starting about 10:15pm!

It lasted until 1am Saturday morning!!!
To bad I couldn't sleep in...
I had to run my son to work @ 5am
~ in 8" of unplowed, snowy roads ~
and then stay up because my niece, Dany
would be getting dropped off early
because her mom had to work.

And so it goes...
On to Saturday!

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