Sunday, December 5, 2010

047 ~ *S*N*O*W*


I love the affect of taking this shot
through a very wet window!

Everything has a good 4 to 6 inches of
snow still sticking to it!

As I pulled into the driveway the other day
I caught three big crows feasting on the 
plants and maybe seeds that had been
covered in snow, before our friend came by
and used his new snowblower to clear it.
These two weren't bothered by the car 
pulling up into the driveway...

But THIS one (middle of pic) was not at all
pleased to see us that close!
He sought safety in the pine tree above.

That is, until I parked under that tree...
then he flew up to the wires here;
and soon called to his buddies and
the three of them flew off and away!

Today, Sunday, was not a good day for me.
I didn't sleep well to begin with;
had trouble being up by 5am to run Mack to work;
so he just took the car himself 
(which was ok with me);
and by the time I should have been getting up
so I could make the meeting
I felt like a convoy of semis had run me over!
I ended up staying home, while my girls caught a ride
to the meeting with Shirley.
I did get to listen in on the phone. :)

But it's clear to me now that I'm in the midst of
another "fibro flare"
and I'm not happy about it!
I have so much to do this week!
But I failed to pace myself properly
the last few days.
I knew it!
But I was feeling pretty good, 
not hurting so much
even though I was very busy
and I had so much to get done!

Even after a day, the entire day, of rest
I'm hurting pretty bad and can only pray
that I'll sleep a few hours tonight and 
maybe I'll be a little better in the morning.

May this flare be short-lived and soon gone!

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