Wednesday, December 8, 2010

050 ~ Fifty!!!


Fifty days - Fifty photos - Fifty posts!

The "days" aren't quite right 
because we all know I've missed a few days
here & there, tho I always catch up!

The "photos" aren't quite right either
because some days have just one
but some days have lots more than one!

But FIFTY POSTS fits just right
because today I have 
(with this post)
now written 50 posts 
for this blog!


This has nothing to do with 50!


About the only way it might have anything to do with 50 is in my desire to achieve certain goals within a given timeline... such as;
I'd like to have 50 personal customers
by May 2011.
I'd like to lose 50 pounds
by March 2011.

You might not think one is related to the other,
but they are!

Take a look at the picture again:

This is a circle of wellness.
Each part is connected to the others.
Without any one, wellness is not complete.
Starting from the 12 o'clock position
you have:
Financial Wellness
Environmental Wellness
Personal Wellness
Physical Wellness

Put them in any order you want; 
you're priorities may be 
different from mine,
but you need all four
if you're really going to be well.

Think about it!

We all need money these days
We all breathe air and drink water
We all have people we care about,
including ourselves
We all have health issues we're
concerned about
or want to improve

Sure we can expand on any or all 
of these a lot more!
But if you had to do away with one,
which one would it be?
Name one you could do without
that would not have
a negative effect
on the others!

So - back to my earlier thought:
relating the goals
of building my customer base
and me losing weight
to one another.

My customer base affects my financial wellness.
My losing weight affects my physical wellness.
When my financial wellness improves,
so will my personal wellness
because I will be able to do more 
for those I care about, 
and doing that will make me
feel happier and more joyful.
When my personal wellness improves,
so will my physical wellness
because I will be getting more done
since I'm happier to begin with.
And all these tie into my environmental wellness
because everything I do will help
reduce chemicals in the environment,
reduce wasteful practices that harm
the environment,
promote others making similar changes,
thus bringing a greater good impact
on environmental wellness.
As each area improves,
the world around me improves.
As I teach this to others,
the world around them improves too!


Learn more about it!
Wellness Workshops every Wednesday!

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