Sunday, December 26, 2010

060 ~ Laundry

Saturday - Dec 18th - 
busy day with Dany here, kids gone, 
and so many plans to accomplish... 
beginning with Sis & Dany's laundry!  
Dany helped to sort it - all seven loads of it!  
Once the first load was dry we pretty much 
spent the rest of the day doing laundry!  
Sis arrived, after work, 
with one load washing, 
one load drying, 
two loads finished 
(folded and waiting to go home with them) 
and three loads yet to dry.  
Our washer has always been faster than our dryer. 
Right before Sis arrived at my place 
I discovered my washer had finally died.  
That's been a process in the works for several weeks now... 
we knew it was coming... 
but we all were wishing and hoping that it would not happen 
until my Melaleuca business was bringing in more money.  
But's it's late - and I'm beat - 
so not going to mess with this problem tonight! 

The only pic I have for today...
my favorite flowers :)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

059 ~ Fibro

Friday - Dec 17th - 
My plan was to work on business from 10 to 2 
but much of my day was lost 
dealing with fibro flaring..............
...........some days I just cannot win!

So just enjoy still more blizzard pics!

058 ~ WHY TRY?

Thursday - Dec 16th - 

Yes! I have still more pics from around town of all the snow
from our weekend blizzard!!!

6am I'm up and running!  
TODAY should work out to actually work my business!  
There's issues with the girls - Becca's not feeling well - breakfast isn't going well - Jessi's running late for her morning ministry.  There's laundry to get moving; dishes to be washed and put away.  I need to print off some things before getting started with my phone calls.  There are countless calls coming in - none work related - but all needing something right away!  

Finally I get a little time - and all I get are message machines! :(  
Today is the last day for $1 enrollments... unless... 
if you got in 2 enrollments already you can get 2 more $1 enrollment kits for the rest of the month; OR if you got in 4 enrollments already you can continue with unlimited enrollments all month!  Must be done by midnight Mountain time!  
90 minutes to go - and I got nothing - no one - nada - zip - zilch!  :(  Grrrr

Times like this I feel like "WHY TRY?!"  
You know - I'm fighting high odds every single day!  My mom, my brothers, my dad, my stepmom, my stepsibs, nieces, nephews, ... let's just say most all of my family thinks this is just "another one of those scams that take your money and leave you with nothing but a bunch of products nobody wants."  
They don't expect me to make anything of this - 
just like a dozen other "home-based businesses" I've done in the past.  
But, my sister wants to try it; 
and I have 2 daughters who are willing to give it go.... 
but I have to be able to see more success 
if I'm going to be of any help to them!  
Most of the friends I've asked to consider
 this business or these products 
have backed away not wanting to even take a close look at it.  
They have no idea what they are missing!!! 
And I'm not giving up, or giving in!!!

057 ~ Unexpected

Wednesday - Dec 14th -
It was going to be a day for work - but ran into an unexpected problem that tied me up from 9am until 2pm... and at 2:30 I had to meet with Sis b/c she had an MRI scheduled for 3pm... plus I needed to drop off Mack's car to him before getting Sis to the hospital... and right after getting her squared away I had to go get Dany.  Fortunately Becca was able to stay with Dany while I returned to the hospital for Sis.  We got her home about 4:30... and Becca & I headed to our place soon after.  I was going to spend some time on work then... but had to go back to Sis' about 5:30 because Dany had run off and was refusing to listen to her mom who was in no condition to be running all around outside chasing after her!  I ended up having to stay there with them until Mack got off work - by which time both were pretty much ready for bed, and Dany was under strict orders from me not to cause anymore problems tonight or she'd have to deal with me tomorrow!  Mack & I got home about 9pm... by 10:30 I had tended to various things needing my attention and was ready to get some sleep!

No work today. :(
Tomorrow's another day!!!

We continue with the blizzard effects....
City crews will be working for weeks clearing all this snow off roads!

Friday, December 24, 2010

056 ~ Snow

Tuesday - 13th - was a busy day too... appointments for Dany & Sis at 8 and 9am respectively followed by numerous errands with Sis keeping us out until it was nearly time for school to be out!  By the time I got home - it was all I could manage to rest up enough to get to the meeting Tuesday night.

So, here are a few more pics taken around town today:

055 ~ Challenges

Monday - 12th -
School was delayed 2 hours - no surprise.  
The cold front had arrived - 
dropping temps from 20 above to 20 below!!! 
The high for Monday was not even above zero!  
Windchills were pushing that to 25-35 below zero!  
Not fun to be out in at all!!!

This pic was actually taken on Saturday
but it's one of the very few
with Dany and her cousin Mack;
and don't you just love their
fascination with technology!?!

But Monday is our day for Dany's in-home counselors... 
and there were other issues... 
a last minute eye exam appointment for her right after school 
and before counseling.  
Sis & Dany arrived home for that about 30 minutes after 
the counselors had arrived... 
but the 3 of us had some great conversation 
while we waited for them.  
There's so much I just can't get into here 
but I'm not the only one nearing the "end of the rope" 
with how things are progressing, 
or not progressing, as the case may be.  

One of the end results from Monday's session is 
that I am now picking up Miss Dany after school each day 
and taking her to her place (not mine) 
and making her put away HER belongings in the proper places - 
which also means helping her discover 
what those proper places are.  
It also means that for the rest of this month, at least, 
my weekdays from 3pm until whenever her mom gets off work 
are now FULL and nothing else can be scheduled into those times!  
I sure hope this idea works! 
Until Dany keeps her belongings cared for properly 
she will not go to the boys and girls club after school 
or for the off days either... 
and Winter Break is coming up... 
a whole week of no school!!!

054 ~ Blizzard 2

Sunday - 11th -
.... started at 5am with a phone call from the nursing home Mack works at... 
they were asking me if there was any possible way my son could come in to work then - on his day off! - because the day cook had just called to say she'd gone off the road and was in a ditch waiting for help and probably wouldn't make it in.  Poor Mack; he was up until 4am rearranging his room... not expecting to work or need to get up so early.  He spent 45 minutes shoveling snow away from his car... so much more snow had fallen overnight you could not even see where plows had been the day before (they had stopped running about 10pm unable to keep up with the snowfall... just doing main roads).  It was even hard to see a difference between road and yards! The unplowed road had snow anywhere from 8" to 18" deep depending on which way the wind blew it overnight.  Mack cleared his car but was unable to drive even 30' without getting stuck repeatedly... and he had about 5 blocks to go before hitting a main road.  Another neighbor, out shoveling too, helped him get unstuck and get his car reparked.  

At 6am we called the nursing home to report that he could not get there... 
after having tried numerous other ideas to see if ANY vehicles were moving about (city, local police, county, sheriff, state patrol, cab companies, etc) 
--- not a one was moving yet.  
State and county road crews (snowplows) went back to work at 3am and 5am respectively... moving snow at least 12" deep to somewhere off the roads.  The resulting piles of snow amassed easily topped road signs and fences!  It was 9:30 before we finally got one on our street and it took him four passes to clear the road - tho I must say he did a SUPER JOB in helping to move a couple feet of snow away from one side of Mack's car without even a scratch! :)  
It was 10:30 before Mack was on his way to work... 
since now, none of the day cooks were going to make it in, 
he'd be there to prepare lunch and dinner.  
The night shift had to feed all the residents cold cereal for breakfast.  

Near 11am the girls all worked together to dig out our 2 overnight guests - 
18-24" around the car, 
and about 4 or 5 FEET of snow at the end of the driveway!  
An hour later they were at their original destination of the night before. :)  
A couple of hours after that Becca & Jessi left with their dad
 to see Allyssa's play: 
UW-L production of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" 
for their closing show.  
Not long after they left our friend and neighbor, Bob, arrived with his snowblower!  I'm so grateful for his kindness in clearing all the sidewalks and the driveway, including widening the end of it where the girls had dug thru for their friends to leave earlier. :)

The rest of the day was quiet... not much left of it really since by this time it was about 3pm... but the quiet was nice. :)  I should have taken the time then to actually work my business but I held off because I really don't want to get into working on Sundays.  I'm still struggling with scheduling time for it.  It's so hard to find the time.  There are always problems to tend to that can't be put off.  When I'm finally done with dealing with it/them I find myself in too much pain or far too down to be of any good at work. :(