Friday, October 29, 2010

009 ~ Frustration & Fun

Frustration was the word of the day Thursday!

Internet, phone & cable were on when we woke up.  Having gone out a little before midnight Wednesday night we all went to bed hoping it would all be working fine in the morning.  And it was, at first.  Every so often pages would fail to load but then 10-15 minutes later would load up fine.  Phone calls would get intermittent silence, odd interruptions of static, or just be completely dropped.  One phone call I had took us three times of calling each other back to completely say all we needed to discuss!  Very frustrating!

It was also the first day that I can say I was up and doing more normal things since I got sick back on the 11th, and especially so since the 15th when my illness took a bad turn for the worse.  I found myself tiring very quickly even though I did not feel sick (except for the coughing).  Also very frustrating!

So much to do - and so much keeping me from doing it!

When such days happen, and they will from time to time, I like to do something to get my mind off the frustration and not be so stressed from it.

The result is a bonus of two pics for today's blog (yesterday's really)!

In pic one we have four players in a game of frisbee.  Taken at the end of summer picnic.  It was a small picnic, somewhat impromptu, but those that came had lots of fun!
In pic two we have four more players. What we only catch a glimpse of here is the ninth player, who was in the middle at this time - we see only a bit of an arm at the far right of this pic.
The frisbee game began with 3 kids throwing the frisbee over the kid in the middle.  Gradually more people took an interest and we ended up with a rough circle of eight, with a ninth in the middle.  If the one in the middle could catch the frisbee then whoever had thrown it had to switch places with them and they became the one in the middle.
It was hilarious fun!  I took over 300 pictures of the action.  And we all have some really great shots showing people jumping for the frisbee, running or tumbling into each other as two or more tried to get it at the same time, or just plain laughing and having fun with the game!

It's a nice way to forget the frustrations of the day!

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