Saturday, October 23, 2010

004 ~ Life Lesson #1

Four days into this 365 blog and already I've "missed" a day! :(

One thing that's constant in my life is that there is always so much to do!  Years ago someone actually took note of all I did in a typical day and all I needed to do and then tallied up how long it usually takes for such tasks.  The results?  All that I do - if I didn't multi-task or rush through it - would take me some 36 hours, and that did not include any sleep!  (just to give you an idea of how busy I am)

Even now, my life stays just as busy, only in different ways.  

These days I'm challenged by many "disabilities" that make some tasks take longer, make some need to be delegated more, and make for many unique solutions.  But this week I'm even more challenged by illness. :(  I got sick (like a semi-truck hit me - and I could tell you the exact moment, but my phone had died a short time before so I can't say the exact time) :-p on Monday, over a week ago.  At first it was like just a bad cold or something, but on Friday (a week from yesterday) instead of continuing to improve as I was, I suddenly got worse.  That night fevers went up and down, as high as 105, and I was seriously contemplating heading to the ER, but waited.  Come Monday I was really, really sick - but I still had so many important things to do.  I finally went into my doctor's office on Tuesday morning.  I left with 3 new prescriptions to treat a sinus infection, an ear infection, and pneumonia!  That afternoon the doc calls me to say that after reading the x-ray the radiologist, and her, are concerned this level/type of pneumonia usually require a stay in the hospital to recover. That will just not do for me - a stay in the hospital right now would make it so much harder for me to do all I need to do!

Today's photo is to remind me why I should take care of me first:

Apologies for the glares and the slight bend in the image.
This takes me back to when I was first learning that lesson!  
Newborn triplets will take a lot out of you... but if you put nothing back (by caring for yourself) you'll soon not be able to care for them either!
They are 'grown' (over 18) now but as stated above my life is still crazy busy and all things considered I think I need to really remember this lesson now!

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