Monday, October 25, 2010

006 ~ PINK Sky At Morning

'Red sky at night,
Sailor's delight.
Red sky at morning,
Sailor take warning!'

That is the first thing I thought of when I went outside this morning about 7:20a.m.!
I called a friend of mine to take some pics because I was without my camera at the time and wasn't sure I'd be back home before this eerie pinkish gray sky faded away.
Happily, she indulged me... and she went outside and took ten pics right away!
So credit for today's pic goes to my best, best friend, Lori of Lori Lokken Photography and she has a blog about her photography business as well.
Thank you Lori, for taking such great pics!

The sky lost it's eerie pink coloring by the time I returned home. :(  It continued to change all day however: pink turned to gray, which later turned to blue, and still later back to various shades of gray.  The clouds came and went and came back.  We do have storms moving closer from the west and the system is set to bring us really strong winds for a few days!

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