Friday, October 29, 2010

010 ~ What's Ahead

Reminders of what's to come...

This morning I woke to 22 degrees!  The coldest yet this season!  
Of course, being in Wisconsin, we know 22 is nothing when it comes to winter temps!  The time is coming when 22 will seem like a heat wave.  But not this morning!
Today, it is a reminder of what's to come, what's ahead in the coming weeks and months. 
This pic is from a few years ago, but clearly shows well over a foot of snow on the ground - probably from early 2007 or 2008.  I'm trying to recall when we added a window unit a/c to that last window - summer of 07 or 08 is the closest I'm getting. LOL

This is our typical winter!  Cold sets in by end of October... getting colder as the weeks pass.  By the end of December we're happy if we stay above zero for a little each day.  It's unusual to not have snow on the ground by then.  Maybe it's only a few inches but it's usually there, and there to stay.  As the new year begins the cold turns to subzero and the snow just keeps on building higher.  Nobody expects to see anything different until late March or early April.


What's ahead?

Do I really want to go live out in the country, in a beautiful farmhouse, during this time of year when my one vehicle isn't so reliable?

Where will my Melaleuca business be in six months time?  Grown enough to replace all the household income lost in the last 3 months? enough to do away with the disability check? enough to afford us a newer vehicle? a better home?

Will my youngest girls have their own incomes? be able to afford their full-time ministry?

Only time will tell. :)

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