Thursday, July 31, 2014

365 ~ DAY 285

So can I keep this going?

Today I was reminded of something I felt was quite profound at the time; is it still?

A well known man once said, "Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life." I think he has a valid point! How often do we do something because of someone else? Our time IS limited! It doesn't matter who we are we all have the same amount of time in a day. As much as many of us might wish we had another hour or two at the end of our day, nothing we do is ever really going to give us 25 hours in a day. 

When we are very young we often take our direction in life from our parents. Right or wrong. Good or bad. With or without purpose. Be they doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, bricklayers, business leaders, sales-persons, technicians, store clerks, criminals, deadbeats, writers, artists ... well, you get the idea ... the list is endless. But the fact remains that our parents are usually the first people to influence what we plan to do with our lives. Very often we end up in our given profession because in some way it makes them happy. We love them so want to please them. 

What happens when it doesn't work that way?

When you find that you aren't really happy doing that? Or maybe you finally realize that you just are not very good at doing that? Do you keep doing it now because it's all you know? It's what they want? Is that right? How long can someone go on in life not feeling like what they do matters? If you feel like that then what's the point? Where's the value?

So I get what this man is saying... we each only have so much time - in a day - in a week - a year - a lifetime. We each need to not waste it living only for someone else's goals and desires!

Some of you may know I've been trying to build my own business from home. I've been wondering why it's been so hard for me. It's worked well, and quite fast even, for many before me. Something has been 'blocking' me in some way. It occurred to me recently that I am my own worst enemy! For my business to go where I want it to go, I need to get out of my own way! I need to let go of all those 'voices in my head' from all those people I have believed I needed to make happy and stop being so concerned about their opinions of what I'm doing, or want to do!

Interesting fact: I've spent a lot of time 'trying' to please my parents, my husband, even others and still success there eludes me! 
Clearly it is time to change!!!

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