Tuesday, July 29, 2014

365 ~ DAY 283

A lot can happen in 280 days! Some of those things that stand out ... selling a car, buying another vehicle, X leaving town, X coming back, losing a leg to a flesh-eating bacteria, sellng another car, going from no job to 2 jobs, learning how NOT to build a business, keeping my hopes and dreams alive!!!

Recently, I was reminded of how much work goes into being poor. When someone no longer has a job or a place to live and has just suffered a tremendous loss getting help to get your life back on track is a lot of hard work! You have multiple applications to complete and submit to the proper entity (person, place, office, agency, etc.). Then there are numerous phone calls back and forth with all of those contacs and the new ones they will refer you to, not to  mention all those calls to people you know who might know of a job or a place to live for you to call and check on. While keeping up with all of that you have to cope with your constant depression from all you've lost recently. If you have no income you really can't pay for any help either. Your very survival is at the mercy of others. How do you keep going?

And so I find myself doing what little I can to help out someone who has previously hurt me and all of my kids in ways we will never forget! WHY?

What would Jesus do if faced with my situation?

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