Saturday, April 23, 2011


"Life is like a box of chocolates!"

"Families are like fudge;
mostly sweet with a few nuts."

And so it goes here...

Life IS like a box of chocolates - there's a little bit of everything going on inside. Mostly it's good. But now and then you get something you don't like. :-P

Thus the families like fudge quote. :)

We are embarking on yet more changes around here. Not necessarily changes we want.
Still, they are necessary.
Sometimes one must make the best of such changes with the attitude that 'this too shall pass' or that 'this is only temporary' or some other such coping phrase.  

For nearly a year my sister and my niece left us to venture living on their own.  My niece has been back here for several weeks now; and my sister will be moved back in within the month.  Along these same lines; my 25yo daughter is closer to moving out into her own place - possibly in a few months; and my son plans on moving out either in 4 months or 8 months.

In other family news:
My 22yo daughter is graduating from college!
UW-LAX graduation day is May 14, 2011.
My 9yo niece is performing her dance recital!
MeLisa's DanceArt Studios recital day is May 14, 2011.
Assorted graduation (from high school mostly, some from college) parties begin 
MAY 14, 2011
and continue 
May 21, 2011
May 28, 2011
June 4, 2011
June 11, 2011
(This is also the weekend for 
Sparta's Butterfest
June 18, 2011
(Oh, and also on June 18th -
FAMILY REUNION - my mom's side;
MOST (Mother's of SuperTwins) Family Fun Day
June 25, 2011

And the whole first weekend of July is booked up too!!
My niece should be done with school this year by the 10th of June ~ then she'll be with me all day long until Sep 1st again. 

Busy, Busy, Busy!
There's also work, work, work!
Study; Classes; Teaching; Ministry;
and so on and on and on!

"Life is like a box of chocolates!"

"Families are like fudge;
mostly sweet with a few nuts."

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