Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 001 - Redo, Restart, Recycle?

Hwy 16 & Hwy 121 - at the start of winter 2010-2011
Reduce, reuse, recycle!
Often heard words around my place.
We strive hard not to waste anything.
We stay very busy - every single day.

I'm not even going to try to catch up!
I last posted about Day 60 - late too!
Now it's well over 60 days past that day!

Today's blog is a REDO, 
or you can look at it as being
(as in cycle starting over)


DAY 001
March 1, 2011

We STILL have snow on the ground!
The groundhog way over in PA says
winter is nearly done,
it won't be long before we see spring;
even WI's own groundhog, Jimmy, agreed!
NOTE: we had blizzard conditions that day!

We began winter ahead of schedule with
2 feet of snow from our 1st blizzard
(and snowfall) of the season.
We continued to get snowed upon
every few days!
The mounds of white stuff grew
all over town.
The plows worked hard to move it all
out of our roadways.
But our mailbox has been all but
buried for weeks
(we've dug out a spot for the mail truck)
(and kept the side with the red flag cleared);
had weeks where we can't see our neighbors
(because the mounds are so high);
and times when the snowfall's so heavy
even the plow's can't get through
for not just hours but whole days!

Yet we held out hope!

We knew spring would eventually come.

We even got hopeful that Phil & Jimmy
were right on cue...
The middle of February
brought mild temps,
melting snow,
glimpses of the lake waters,
puddles and small ponds in the roads
instead of packed snow,
sunshine to warm it all.
We were even seeing 
(after nearly 4 feet of snow disappeared)
bits of green
(yes, GREEN - it was still green when
that first blizzard hit us, way back when)
And even tiny, little buds on
assorted trees and bushes!

YUP! It sure seemed like SPRING

And then about a week or so ago
we got another blizzard!!!
I've lost count how many this season!
I think everyone has!
Now, amounts vary - a lot! - but...
at my place we measured 15 more inches
from that last blizzard!!!

Whatever was nearly free of snow
is now completely buried again!

The good news is
at least we're staying above zero 
since the groundhogs' 
had their say!

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