Sunday, August 3, 2014

365 ~ DAY 287 (oops)

Well, so much for 2 posts yesterday! :(

The day ended up being a lot busier than I first thought it would be. All this technology can be frustrating some days! It's nice to have my laptop sort of back but annoying that not everything is working like I want it. I wish we had something that combines what I like about the tablets with what I like about laptops and desktops.

Some of those technology issues remind me of some of my own challenges. It's not possible to explain it all in one blog post but in my quest to do all that it seems I must do reminders abound of how much less I am able to do these days! For so many years I was the one coaching, and coaxing, a little one to press onward, to not give, to find a way to do it! Now, I'm the one who needs that coaching & coaxing. Just wish I had someone like me to do it!

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